Strastnoy boulevard house 4 building 2 office 302
We work from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Contact us

Choose the right service

Working visa to Russia for 3 years
Temporary residence permit in Russia
Visa to Belarus
Visa to Kyrgyzstan
Visa to Kazakhstan
Visa to Azerbaijan
Tours to Russia

How we are working

More information
Choose the right one package of services
Cooking necessary package of documents
We submit documents for visa or tour
Do you get a visa or organized tour

Dear friends!!

You’re welcome to the website of the company RUSCONSUL!
You want to visit Russia and don’t know how to do it – we can help You from very beginning and to provide You with all necessary information, documents, explanation and details regarding Russian visa, and Your staying in Russia.
So, principal view of our company’s activity is reception of foreigners in Russia. And it means that we can offer our guests and clients all kinds of tourist services (individuals and groups):

– Tourist invitations (on-line requests, different variants of payment, fast and accurate performance of orders),
– Hotel booking: Moscow, St
-Petersburg other Russian cities,
– Transfers,
– Avia- and railway tickets,
– Tours, excursions, adventure tours.

If You want just to visit Your friends in Russia – we also can help You with invitation and other formalities.
We can do business invitation. There are different invitations – for one, two entries or multiple-entries invitation. Managers of our company will prompt to you, what invitation is better for choosing – on the blank-form of the Federal Migration service, telex or other variants – depending on your wishes and time frameworks – You need just ask them by e-mail.

Please, make your choice and apply to us:)

We have the unique offer – invitation for 3-years working visas. With such kind of the invitation You can get visa for 3 years, plastic working card and registration – and you have an opportunity to be in Russia unlimited quantity of time throughout 3 years with the right of entrance and departure at any time - also without restrictions.
Our specialists answer all questions
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Strastnoy boulevard house 4 building 2 office 302

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          By filling out and submitting the form you agree to transfer and store your personal data

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            При за полнении и отправке формы вы соглашаетесь на передачу и хранение ваших персональных данных

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              By filling out and submitting the form you agree to transfer and store your personal data

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              We will contact you during business hours

              Спасибо Ваше сообщение принято!
              Мы свяжемся с Вами в рабочее время

              Thank you Your message has been accepted!
              We will contact you during business hours
